Academic Editor: John Bose
Hemant Jain, MS, MCh1, Riecha
Joshi, MBBS2, Aarushi Sudan, MD3, Akshat Banga, MBBS4*
1Department of General Surgery, Ananta Medical College, Udaipur, India
2Department of Pediatrics,
Government Medical College, Kota, India
3Department of Internal
Medicine, Jacobi Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, The
Bronx, NY, USA
4Department of Medicine, Sawai Man Singh Medical College, Jaipur, India
*Corresponding Author: Akshat Banga, MBBS, Department of Medicine, Sawai Man Singh Medical College, JLN Marg, 302004, Jaipur, India; Email:
Citation: Hemant Jain, Riecha Joshi, Aarushi Sudan, Akshat Banga, (2024). Laparoscopic Duodenojejunal Bypass for Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome after Failed Medical Management: A Case Report. World J Case Rep Clin Imag. 2024 February; 1(1)1-6.
Copyrights © 2024, Akshat Banga, et al. This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-4.0-International-License-(CCBY-NC) ( Usage and distribution for commercial purposes require written permission.
mesenteric artery syndrome is an uncommon cause of proximal small bowel
obstruction in which the third part of the duodenum is compressed between the
superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and the aorta. It is a rare entity and is
usually considered as a diagnosis of exclusion. In this case report, a
21-year-old male patient is shown who has the typical SMA syndrome symptoms
such as vomiting, upper abdominal pain, and h/o weight loss. Initially,
conservative management was tried for a few days, but symptoms continued to
persist. The patient underwent laparoscopic duodenojejunal bypass after imaging
studies confirmed the diagnosis. The patient had a smooth post-operative course
and was discharged in stable condition. The minimally invasive surgical intervention
is safe and successful in treating SMA syndrome and preventing complications.
Keywords: Superior mesenteric artery; SMA syndrome; Laparoscopic; Duodenojejunal bypass surgery