Dr. Marinos A. Pericleous

American Journal of Case Reports

Editor Name: Dr. Marinos A. Pericleous

Country: UK, London

University: University of Surrey

Designation: PhD (hepatology)

Department: Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine

Email: drpericleous@gmail.com 



October 2015- September 2019: PhD (hepatology); Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; University of Surrey

April 2017: Gastroenterology speciality certificate exam (SCE 

July 2010: MRCP (UK)

June 2007: MBBS; Royal Free and University College Medical School; Merit

August 2004: BSc (Hons) Neuroscience with Basic Medical Sciences; University College London; 2:1

March 2001: Theory of Music (Distinction); Royal College of Music

August 2000: Attained the rank of Sergeant Major in the Military Forces (26-month term in office)          

June 1997: National Academy of Music (Distinction A+)


Top national recruiter in NIHR portfolio of studies for hepatology 2018/19

Outstanding Poster Rosette UEG meeting, Vienna, October 2018

Travel Award for UEG week, Vienna, October 2018

Intercept Practice to Policy award (‚¬25,000); 2016 

Falk Foundation travel grant to attend the Falk Symposium New Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Disease; Switzerland, October 2016

BSG Alistair McIntyre Prize for Improving Gastroenterology Training for developing the regional research trainee network for KSS; June 2016

First Prize for my poster and presentation at the Buckinghamshire Foundation Forum for my work on management of electrolyte imbalances; June 2015 

Norgine/BSG/DDF bursary for trainees, to attend the 2015 DDF meeting in London

Falk Foundation travel grant to attend the Falk Symposium in œAutoimmune diseases of the Liver; Lisbon, May 2015

 BSG award for IBS Road Show symposium; November 2014 

 Awarded the KSS deanery trainee bursary; September 2013 & 2016     

 Outstanding Poster Rosette BSG meeting; June 2013               

 Travel grant awarded by the UKINETS committee for the high standard abstract and poster presentation at the 9th UKINETS national conference; November 2011 

 Infection control Champion of the Royal Free Hospital; July 2008              

 First prize for best junior doctor audit; Royal Free Hospital; July 2008  

 Awarded the Heller Bursary for medical humanities; The Royal Free and University College Medical School; September 2005     

 Certificate of Merit for Medicine preclinical years; The Royal Free and University College Medical School; June 2003


 JETS certified for independent OGD

 JETS certified (provisional sign-off) for colonoscopy

 Emergency experience: Over the last 5 years I have provided emergency diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy service in theaters, ITU and in the endoscopy department in and out of hours

 Independent delivery of endotherapy including: adrenaline injections, clip placement, variceal and GAVE band ligation, gastric variceal gluing, APC therapy, GI tattooing, Level 1 polypectomy (<1cm), placement of endoloops, Botox injection, Haemspray

 Independent placement of PEG tubes and NG/NJ feeding tubes

 Under supervision: insertion of Sengstaken Blakemore tube, oesophageal and duodenal dilatation, GI stenting, Level 2 polypectomy (>2cm) 


Independently: Venepuncture, IV cannulation, arterial blood gases, suturing and removing sutures, ascitic tap, therapeutic paracentesis, Male and female urinary catheterisation, DC-cardioversion, external pacing, perform and interpret ECGs, blood cultures (peripheral & central), nasogastric tube insertion, use of local anaesthetic, intra-muscular injection, subcutaneous injection, seroma drainage, insertion of Seldinger chest drain, aspiration of pleural effusion, aspiration of joint effusion, lumbar puncture, insertion of central line (US-guided and landmark technique), insertion of femoral (US-guided and landmark technique), nasopharyngeal swabs and aspirates, arterial line insertion, Fibroscanning of liver patients.


 October 2015-September 2019: Simulation speciality lead for foundation year doctors; redesigned, led and delivered the simulation teaching and training program for foundation doctors and medical students at MediSim centre as a simulation clinical fellow; February 2016- ongoing

 Weekly simulation teaching of medical students, foundation doctors, core medical trainees and medical SpRs; Royal Surrey county hospital; February 2016-ongoing

 IMPACT course; course tutor and assessor. Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, Surrey; May 2017

 September 2017-September 2019: Editor-in-chief of the SCE gastroenterology revision resource at https://www.studyprn.com and author of gastroenterology questions for the Gastroenterology & Hepatology SCE

 Recognised teacher status with the University of Cardiff

 September 2017- Ongoing: Tutor & author for the postgraduate Gastroenterology Diploma course of the University of Cardiff

 €˜How to Improve Your Teaching€™ Workshop for Higher Specialty Trainees, December 2014

 Geriatric regional training day for KSS trainees; The management of ascites and SBP Frimley Park Hospital; July 2015

 Grand Round: Evidence-based management of ascites; Excellent feedback; Frimley Park Hospital; May 2015 

 Designed and led the weekly gastroenterology teaching program at East Surrey Hospital; East Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust; September 2013-August 2014

 Royal College associate tutor for my Trust; East Surrey hospital; East Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust; September 2013-August 2014

 Organised the local PACEs teaching for East Surrey Hospital; East Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Excellent student feedback. February 2014

 Organised the local CMT teaching for East Surrey Hospital. Excellent student feedback. East Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust; September 2013-August 2014

 Gastroenterology teaching: Final year medical students; Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust; November 2013

 Daily teaching on the oncology and gastroenterology wards for UCL medical students and for doctors revising PACES exam; Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust, August 2011- September 2012

 Official module tutor for GIM for final year medical students; UCL medical school curriculum. Excellent student feedback; Royal Free Hampsted NHS Trust, August 2010- September 2012

 Member of the UCL support tutor programme, which entails providing mentoring, advice and extra teaching for individual students who have fallen behind their studies. Excellent student feedback; Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; August 2010- September 2012

 Designed, funded and led an educational online project for a free revision course for doctors undergoing MRCP Part 2 written examination; August 2010- September 2014

 Medical student afterhours teaching; Excellent student feedback; Hemel Hempstead General Hospital; August 2008- April 2009   

 Designed and led a 4 month local teaching program during my attachment in breast surgery. Positive feedback; Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; April 2008- August 2008 

 Weekly teaching on various topics including Data interpretation and common clinical pathology. Organised by F2 doctors; Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; December 2007- August 2008

 Weekly teaching on various topics including Data interpretation and common clinical pathology. Organised by F1 doctors; Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; October 2007- August 2008

 Completed the Teaching Improvement Program System (TIPS) course and was one of eight people selected to teach third year medical students as part of the Peer Assisted Learning Scheme (PALS) at the Royal Free Hospital. Upon completing the PALS, I was appointed as one of the official examiners for these students, who score `top in their year; September 2006.



1. The role of the chronic care model in promoting the management of the patient with rare liver disease. Pericleous M, Kelly C, Ala A, de Lusignan S. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Jul 5. doi: 10.1080/17474124.2018.1497483. [Epub ahead of print] Original Research

2. Interventions to improve the uptake of screening across a range of conditions in Ethnic Minority Groups: a systematic review. Kelly C, Pericleous M, Hendy J, de Lusignan S, Ahmed A, Vandrevala T, Ala A. Int J Clin Pract. 2018 Jun 19:e13202. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.13202. [Epub ahead of print] Review.

3. Pregnancy-Associated liver disease: A curriculum based review. Pericleous M, Kelly C (joint first authorship. Frontline Gastroenterol. 2018 Jul;9(3):170-174

4. Wilson Disease: More Than Meets the Eye, Pericleous M, Kelly C (joint first authorship),Postgrad Med J. 2018 Jun;94(1112):335-3472.

5. The clinical management of hereditary haemochromatosis, Pericleous M, Kelly C (joint first authorship) Frontline Gastroenterol. 2018 Apr;9(2):110-114.

6. Wolmans disease and cholesteryl ester storage disorder: the phenotypic spectrum of lysosomal acid lipase deficiency. Pericleous M, Kelly C, Wang T, Livingstone C, Ala A. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Sep;2(9):670-679. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(17)30052-3.

7. The clinical management of abdominal ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and hepatorenal syndrome: a review of current guidelines and recommendations. Pericleous M, Sarnowski A, Moore A, Fijten R, Zaman M. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol.  2016 Mar;28(3):e10-8. 

8. Outcomes of Hepatic artery embolisation in patients with  neuroendocrine tumours Pericleous M, Caplin ME, Tsochatzis E, Yu D, Morgan-Rowe L, Toumpanakis C. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2016 Mar;12(1):61-9. doi: 10.1111/ajco.12438.

9. Well-differentiated bronchial neuroendocrine tumors: Clinical management and outcomes in 105 patients. Pericleous M, Karpathakis A, Lumgair H, Reiner J, Toumpanakis C, Marelli L, Thirlwell C, Meyer T, Caplin ME.  Clin Respir J. 2016 Dec 27. doi: 10.1111/crj.12603.

10. Prognostic impact of novel molecular subtypes of small intestinal neuroendocrine tumour. Karpathakis A, Dibra H, Pipinikas C, Feber A, Morris T, Francis JM, Oukrif D, Mandair D, Pericleous M, Mohmaduvesh M, Serra S, Ogunbiyi O, Novelli M, Luong T, Asa SL, Kulke MH, Toumpanakis C, Meyer T, Caplin M, Meyerson M, Beck S, Thirlwell C. ; Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Jul 13

11. Progressive epigenetic dysregulation in neuroendocrine tumour liver metastases. Karpathakis A, Dibra H, Pipinikas C, Feber A, Morris T, Francis J, Oukrif D, Mandair D, Pericleous M, Mohmaduvesh M, Serra S, Ogunbiyi O, Novelli M, Luong T, Asa SL, Kulke M, Toumpanakis C, Meyer T, Caplin M, Beck S, Thirlwell C.

12. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2017 Feb;24(2):L21-L25. doi: 10.1530/ERC-16-0419. No abstract available.

13. The Management of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding; a Comparison of Current Clinical Guidelines and Best Practice Taylor A, Redfern O, Pericleous M;  EMJ Gastroenterol. 2014;2 

14. Outcomes Of Increased Dose Of Allopurinol In IBD Patients Who Developed Hepatotoxicity On Low Azathioprine And Allopurinol Co-therapy Treatment. Pericleous M, Abdulrehman A, Bull C, Mackenzie G, Stenner J, Cowan M, Hillman G, Ansari A. Gut. 2014 Jun;63 Suppl 1:A84-5. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2014-307263.178.

15. Prostate cancer and the influence of dietary factors and supplements: a systematic review.mMandair D, Rossi RE, Pericleous M, Whyand T, Caplin ME. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2014 Jun 16;11:30. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-11-30. eCollection 2014. Review.

16. The impact of diet and nutrition in the prevention and progression of hepatocellular carcinoma. Mandair DS, Rossi RE, Pericleous M, Whyand T, Caplin M. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014 May;8(4):369-82. doi: 10.1586/17474124.2014.894879. Epub 2014 Mar 6.

17. Nutrition and pancreatic cancer. Pericleous M, Rossi RE, Mandair D, Whyand T, Caplin ME. Anticancer Res. 2014 Jan;34(1):9-21.

18. Diet and supplements and their impact on colorectal cancer.  Pericleous M, Mandair D, Caplin ME; J Gastrointest Oncol. 2013 Dec;4(4):409-23. 

19. Using an œaction set™ for the management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding Pericleous M, Murray C, Hamilton M, Epstein O, Negus R, Peachey T, Kaul A, O'Beirne J.  Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2013 Nov;6(6):426-37. 

20. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma in a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia 1 syndrome. Karpathakis A, Pericleous M, Luong TV, Khoo B, Thirlwell C, Toumpanakis C, Caplin ME;  Pancreas. 2013 May; 42(4):725-6. 

21. Appendiceal goblet cell carcinoid tumour: a case of unexpected lung metastasis. Pericleous M, Lumgair H, Baneke A, Morgan-Rowe L, E Caplin M, Luong TV, Thirlwell C, Gillmore R, Toumpanakis C;  Case Rep Oncol. 2012 May;5(2):332-8

22. Gastric mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma with a trilineage cell differentiation: case report and review of the literature. Pericleous M, Toumpanakis C, Lumgair H, Caplin ME, Morgan-Rowe L, Clark I, Luong TV; 

23. Case Rep Oncol. 2012 May;5(2):313-9.

24. Hepatobiliary disease associated with hypereosinophilia: a report of two patients and a review of the literature. Morgan-Rowe LM, Pericleous M, Luong TV, Dooley JS, Burroughs AK.  Dig Dis Sci. 2011 Dec;56(12):3689-94


  Regional Surrey meeting for rare liver diseases; Guildford; October 2017 

  BASL international meeting 2017; Coventry; September 2017 

  SESAM (Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine); Paris, June 2017

  BSG international meeting 2017; Manchester; June 2017   

  AASLD international meeting; Boston; November 2016

  Viral Hepatitis; State of the Art Review; London, November 2016

  Falk Symposium 205 œNew Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Disease; Switzerland, October 2016

  BASL (British Association for the Study of the liver) annual national meeting; Manchester; September 2016 

  Regional Surrey meeting for rare liver diseases; Guildford; September 2016 

  Falk Symposium 204 œClinical Hepatology Practice in 2016: from Science to Therapy; Birmingham; September 2016

  Falk Symposium œAutoimmune disease of the liver; Lisbon, May 2015 

  St George™s Gastroenterology training day; London, March 2015 

  BVHG Meeting ˜Newer HCV Regimens “ Why, how, when.....™; London, March 2015  

  Portsmouth Advanced Endoscopy Symposium; Portsmouth, January 2015

  IBS Road Show symposium; London, November 2014 

  Frontiers in Hepatology; London, The institute of Hepatology, October 2014

  Complex Gastroenterology; Maidstone, October 2014

  Internal Medicine Research and Audit Day (IMRAD); Brighton, September 2014

  National BSG Meeting 2013 Glasgow; June 2013

  National BSG-DDF Meeting; Liverpool; June 2012                  

  9th European ENETS conference, Copenhagen; March 2012                     

  9th National UKINETS conference, London; November 2011        

  Regional Update in Medicine; Royal Free hospital; November 2011

  Endocrinology investigations; Royal Society of Medicine; May 2011                  

  IBD for trainees; Royal Society of Medicine; February 2011

  Hepatology for the trainees; Royal Society of Medicine; October 2010   

  Acute and general Medicine for the Physician; 3-day course at the Royal College of Physicians; October 2010


  Replacing electrolytes in inpatients; auditing junior doctors and development of pocket guidelines; Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

  PEG tubes and emergency presentations in A&E; Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

  Recording of OGD indications, risk scores, endoscopic findings and endotherapy delivered in UniSoft; East Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust; August 2014        

  Waiting times from admission and diagnosis to endoscopy in patient with upper GI bleeding; East Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust; July 2014

  MUST scoring and nutrition screening on the medical wards; Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust; August 2013                

  Acute management of Upper GI bleeding and the bleeding proforma. Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; May 2010               

  Rebleed after endotherapy. Hemel Hempstead General Hospital; February 2009     

  Rebleeding rates and types IV PPI administered. Hemel Hempstead General Hospital; February 2009    

  Performing peripheral blood cultures Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; January 2008   

  Down™s syndrome screening awareness in the ethnic minorities. North Middlesex Hospital; September 2006      

  The effectiveness and usefulness of mnemonics in clinical teaching. University College London; September 2006.


1. The epidemiology of rare hereditary metabolic liver diseases in œClinical Epidemiology of Chronic Liver Disease. Publisher: Springer Nature; Pericleous M, Kelly C, Ala A, Schilsky M.

2. Diagnosis confirmation and screening of Wilson disease in œManagement of Wilson Disease: A Pocket Guide. Pericleous M, Kelly C, Schilsky M.

3. Treatment options for Wilson disease in œManagement of Wilson Disease: A Pocket Guide. Kelly C, Pericleous M, Schilsky M.


  Oral: Regional Surrey meeting on autoimmune liver diseases; Guildford; October 2017 

  Poster: Is the chronic care model the answer to the unmet need for integrated care in orphan liver diseases? BASL meeting; Coventry, 2017

  Poster: Interpretation of low lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) levels in the hepatology and metabolic services; BASL meeting; Coventry, 2017

  Poster: Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) - a neglected disease in primary care? BASL meeting; Coventry, 2017

  Poster: The chronic care model (CCM) in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC): Time to reconsider our approach; BASL meeting; Coventry, 2017

  Oral presentation: œA novel approach to simulation training for foundation year doctors; embracing new technologies and applying learning theory; Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM) meeting; Paris, June 2017

  Poster: What is the meaning of low lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) levels in the hepatology and metabolic clinic? ; BSG national meeting; Manchester, 2017

  Poster: Regional and national understanding of IgG-related disease (IgG4-RD) in the UK: Strategic implications in testing and case-finding; American Association for the study of the liver (AASLD) annual meeting; Boston; November 2016 

  Poster: Experience of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) in the UK: an online national survey; DrFalk symposium œNew Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Disease; Switzerland, October 2016

  Poster: Trends of serum IgG4 level testing in a UK tertiary hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) centre and correlation with the diagnosis of IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD); DrFalk symposium œNew Treatment Targets in Gut and Liver Disease; Switzerland, October 2016

  Lecture: LAL deficiency and other rare diseases; Regional Surrey meeting for rare liver diseases; Guildford; September 2016 

  Lecture: The management of ascites in palliative care: 5th Guildford Advanced Pain & Symptom Management Course of the society of palliative medicine; Guildford; September 2016 

  Poster: The role of repeat liver biopsy in autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) in a tertiary HPB centre in South east England: current experience, clinical dilemmas and recommendations; British Association for the Study of the liver (BASL) annual meeting; Manchester; September 2016 

  Poster: Regional and National understanding of IgG-related disease (IgG4-RD) in the United Kingdom: patterns of testing, case-finding and areas for development; British Association for the Study of the liver (BASL) annual meeting; Manchester; September 2016

  Oral presentation: Regional Training Research Networks; National BSG meeting; Liverpool 2016 

  Lecture: The management of ascites and SBP; Geriatric regional training day for KSS trainees; Frimley Park Hospital; July 2015

  Oral presentation: Replacing electrolytes in inpatients: experience from a district general hospital; Buckinghamshire Foundation Forum; Stoke Mandeville; June 2015

  Lecture: Grand Round: Evidence-based management of ascites; Frimley Park hospital; May 2015 

  Poster: DrFalk Symposium 2015 on Autoimmune liver disease: Hypereosinophilic Autoimmune liver disease: A report of three unusual cases; Lisbon; May 2015 

  Poster: LDAA and hepatotoxicity in IBD patients; BSG national meeting; Manchester; June 2014

  Lecture: Grand Round: 1) NETs 2) Management of ascites; East Surrey Hospital; March 2014

  Poster: TAE Vs TACE; BSG national meeting; Glasgow, 2013

  Weekly Neuroendocrine MDT preparation and presentation; Royal Free Hospital; August 2011- September 2012

  Poster: Diagnostic and therapeutic outcomes in goblet cell appendiceal neuroendocrine tumours; National DDF & BSG joint conference 2012:  Liverpool; June 2012   

  Poster: Epidemiology and management outcomes in bronchial neuroendocrine tumours: a clinical study of 116 patients;9th European ENETS conference; Copenhagen; March 2012

  Poster: 9th National UKINETS conference; London, November 2011     

  Lecture: Oncology meeting of the Royal Free Hospital: œThe patient journey:  Presenting the results of my GI oncology audit; June 2011                    

  Lecture: Cardiology Clinical Governance meeting: Morbidity & Mortality; Royal Free Hospital; June 2011                         

  Poster: There will be blood....a complete audit cycle; National BSG conference 2011 meeting, Birmingham; March 2011

  Poster: There will be blood; 4th International Conference of the Society of Acute Medicine (SAM): Edinburgh; October 2010

  Lecture: Grand Round presentation: œThere will be blood, Royal Free Hospital; September 2010 

  Lecture: Clinical Governance meeting for acute medicine. Presentation of my audit on the management of upper GI bleeding; Royal Free Hospital; May 2010          

  Lecture: Weekly case study presentations at the morning report; Royal Free Hospital August 2009- February 2010

  Lecture: Clinical governance meeting for gastroenterology:  Presentation of my œRe-bleed after endotherapy audit; Hemel Hempstead General Hospital; February 2009 

  Lecture: Department of geriatrics medical meeting: Presented two times on the management of Multiple Myeloma and the pathophysiology of jaundice; Hemel Hempstead General Hospital; August 2008- December 2008:         

  Oral presentation:  Is the incidence of breast cancer among Asian women living in the UK, higher at a younger age than in Caucasian women? 30th Annual International San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; San Antonio, Texas, USA; December 2008:

  Lecture: Weekly Oncology and breast surgery MDT meeting: weekly preparation and presentation of meeting; Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; March 2008- July 2008:                      

  Lecture: Morbidity & Mortality meeting; department of surgery: monthly presentations; Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; March-July 2008

  Lecture: Morbidity & Mortality meeting; department of cardiology: monthly presentations; Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; January 2008 “March 2008

  Lecture: Audit presentation: œTaking peripheral blood cultures; Presented to the staff of MAAU, leading consultants in infection control and the board of trustees; Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust; August 2008.



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