Editor Name: Dr.
Matthaios Kavvalakis
Country: Greece
Department: Toxicology
Email: mkavvalakis@gmail.com
Research Interest: Toxicology, Chemistry,
University of Crete, Medical School PhD,
Toxicology • (2010 - 2014).
The University of Crete, School of Sciences
and Engineering, Department of Chemistry, BSc, Chemistry • (2004 - 2009).
1. Determination of dialkyl phosphates in
human hair for the biomonitoring of exposure to organophosphate pesticides AM
Tsatsakis, MG Barbounis, M Kavalakis, M Kokkinakis, I Terzi, ... Journal of
Chromatography B 878 (17-18), 1246-1252; 2010.
2. The atlas of dialkylphosphates; assessment
of cumulative human organophosphorus pesticides’ exposure. MP Kavvalakis, AM
Tsatsakis. Forensic science international 218
(1-3),111-122 49.2012
3. Multicomponent analysis of replacement
liquids of electronic cigarettes using chromatographic techniques. MP
Kavvalakis, PD Stivaktakis, MN Tzatzarakis, D Kouretas, J Liesivuori, Journal
of analytical toxicology 39(4), 262-269; 2015.
4. Development and application of
LC–APCI–MS method for biomonitoring of animal and human exposure to
imidacloprid. MP Kavvalakis, MN Tzatzarakis, EP Theodoropoulou, EG Barbounis,
Chemosphere 93(10), 2612-2620; 2013.
5. Hair nicotine/cotinine concentrations as a
method of monitoring exposure to tobacco smoke among infants and adults. MN
Tzatzarakis, CI Vardavas, I Terzi, M Kavalakis, M Kokkinakis, ... Human &
experimental toxicology 31(3), 258-265. 2012.
6. Biomonitoring of bisphenol A in hair of
Greek population. MN Tzatzarakis, E Vakonaki, MP Kavvalakis, M Barmpas, EN
Kokkinakis, ... Chemosphere 118, 336-341.2015.
7. Cardiotoxicity in rabbits after long-term
nandrolone decanoate administration. F Vasilaki, C Tsitsimpikou, K Tsarouhas, I
Germanakis, M Tzardi. Toxicology letters 241, 143-151. 2016.
8. Dialkyl phosphates in amniotic fluid as a
biomarker of fetal exposure to organophosphates in Crete, Greece; association
with fetal growth. D. Koutroulakis, S Sifakis, MN Tzatzarakis, AK Alegakis,
...Reproductive toxicology 46, 98-105. 2014.
9. Long-term exposure of rabbits to
imidaclorpid as quantified in blood induces genotoxic effect PD Stivaktakis, MP
Kavvalakis, MN Tzatzarakis, AK Alegakis, ... Chemosphere 149, 108-113. 2016.
10. Effect of Mediterranean diet on lipid
peroxidation marker TBARS in obese patients with OSAHS under CPAP treatment: a
randomised trial. C Papandreou, SE Schiza, MN Tzatzarakis, M Kavalakis, CM
Hatzis, ... Sleep and breathing 16 (3), 873-879.2012.
11. Bisphenol A in soft drinks and canned
foods and data evaluation. MN Tzatzarakis, V Karzi, E Vakonaki, M Goumenou, M
Kavvalakis, ... Food Additives & Contaminants: Part B 10 (2), 85-90.2017.
12. Biomonitoring of dialkylphosphate
metabolites (DAPs) in urine and hair samples of sprayers and rural residents of
Crete, Greece. A Kokkinaki, M Kokkinakis, MP Kavvalakis, MN Tzatzarakis, AK
Alegakis, ...Environmental research 134, 181-187.2014.
13. Rapid method for the simultaneous
determination of DDTs and PCBs in hair of children by headspace solid phase
microextraction and gas chromatographyâ€mass
spectrometry (HSSPME … MN Tzatzarakis, EG Barbounis, MP Kavvalakis,
E Vakonaki, E Renieri, ... Drug testing and analysis 6 (S1), 85-92 .2014.
14. Buprenorphine and norâ€buprenorphine
levels in head hair samples from former heroin users under Suboxone® treatment. S
Belivanis, MN Tzatzarakis, E Vakonaki, L Kovatsi, M Mantsi, A Alegakis, ...Drug
testing and analysis 6 (S1), 93-100.2014.
15. Development and application of GCâ€MS method for
monitoring of longâ€term exposure to the pesticide cypermethrin. MP Kavvalakis, MN
Tzatzarakis, AK Alegakis, D Vynias, AK Tsakalof, .Drug testing and analysis 6
(S1), 9-16.2014.
16. Comparative evaluation of drug deposition
in hair samples collected from different anatomical body sites
17. MN Tzatzarakis, AK Alegakis, MP
Kavvalakis, E Vakonaki, PD Stivaktakis,...Journal of analytical toxicology 41
(3), 214-223.2017.
18. Evaluation of oxidative stress in
long-term exposed rabbits to subtoxic levels of imidacloprid. P Stivaktakis, M
Kavvalakis, N Goutzourelas, D Stagos, M Tzatzarakis, ... 2014
19. Composition and chemical health hazards
of the most common electronic cigarette liquids in nine European countries. C Girvalaki,
M Tzatzarakis, CN Kyriakos, AI Vardavas, PD Stivaktakis, ... Inhalation
toxicology 30 (9-10), 361-369. 2018.
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